We hope these FAQs will make it easy to order from JPAT. If you still have questions please either ring us during working hours on 01934 853956 or email us.
How do I get a parts quote from JPAT? You can get a parts quote from us over the phone (01934 853956) or via email. In either case, to make sure we quote you for the correct parts it's really useful if you can have the following information to hand: the vehicle make, model and year, the type of automatic transmission and serial number, and the list of parts you require, including, if possible, part numbers from our or a detailed description of what you need.
How do I place an order? Please phone us on 01934 853956 or email your list of requirements, stating how many of each of the items you require, or give us the parts quotation number you were given. Please let us know a full name and address for delivery and let us know whether you wish to pay by cheque, credit or debit card, direct bank transfer or PayPal. Please note that if you're paying by visa the delivery address for the goods needs to be the same as the registered cardholder's address. If you are a new customer to JPAT we'll need the payment to clear before despatching your goods.
How do I order a reconditioned torque converter from JPAT? Please phone us on 01934 853956 or email your vehicle details to us, including year, transmission type and any serial number, and we will be able to provide a quote for price and availability. If we do not have a core to build we should be able to recondition your own unit. How do I get my own torque converter reconditioned? Contact the sales department (email or 01934 853956) and we will arrange a courier to collect your converter from you. Please make sure you drain as much oil as possible from the converter and seal the neck to prevent leakage. Please box the converter securely, enclosing your contact details so we know who it is from. The courier will leave you a receipt when they collect your parcel. Under normal service, the parcel will be delivered to us the following day. We will ring you with a firm quotation and to get your authorisation reference. We will then recondition the converter, usually offering a same-day service. Under the usual service, the courier will then return it to you the next morning.
What are my delivery options? Your order can be collected in person from reception or we can despatch it by post or courier anywhere in the UK or overseas. Please let us know your requirements and we will give you a price for courier delivery.
How do I pay for my order? You can pay by cleared cheque, credit or debit card, bank transfer (quoting your invoice number or customer account number as a reference) or PayPal. Please email our accounts departmentto obtain JPAT bank details for BACS and wires. Please note that if you're paying by visa the delivery address for the goods needs to be the same as the registered cardholder's address.
JPAT's conditions of sale... ...can be read/downloaded here. These conditions set out the terms of contract between us, the seller, and you, the buyer.
We hope these answer some of your questions, but please do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions. Homepage.